Sunday, May 3, 2009


This is not my photo but I wanted to post it because I saw a Towhee in my backyard yesterday and they are somewhat rare around here, at least I haven't seen one in many years.

Such a pretty bird, looks something like a robin only smaller and has a white breast.

Listen to its song, "Drink-your-teeeeee"


Biddie said...

What a beautiful little bird! I don't think that I have ever seen one.

Cheryl said...

I like the call, very pretty. SammyBird started answering while I was listening to it lol.

Priscilla said...

Try him with some other bird songs. That link I gave you will lead to a list if you click on the title at top.

Cheryl said...

I already explored it this morning, Sammy quieted down, I learned a lot about all the different calls I've been hearing, and discovered Boo has a distinct aversion to Mallard Ducks...

Priscilla said...

Rainy days indoors must be fun at your house..doggies, birds, etc. Do you still have Ms. Ratty Rat?

Cheryl said...

She passed away, seemingly peacefully I believe from old age. She was a sweet little critter.

I want to build an outdoor aviary of some sort so the birds can enjoy the great outdoors. I know I get antsy stuck inside, imagine how they feel!