Last week was spring break (i.e., no work for me) so a friend and I drove into the city on Wed. to visit the American Museum of Natural History with all its wonders, a few of which have been the subject of my last 3 posts.
I really enjoyed the times Kris & I visited NYC, it truly does have such a dynamic vibe, doesn't it?
I was always being approached by folks on the street though. One incident that bothered me was when I was surrounded by a flock of young children giving away different books.
Looking down into their bright smiling little faces I couldn't refuse and accepted a couple of books while thanking them.
It was only later I realized the books had a clear homosexual slant to them. I have nothing against homosexuals (judge not lest ye be judged) but it bothered me that the innocence of children were being used to deliver the message.
It just seemed wrong to me somehow.
I guess it all goes into the mix of what makes the city, well, the city, lol.
I feel bad for those horses. They look so bored.
They probably get lots of time off (when it rains or snows)
Why were you in NYC?
Last week was spring break (i.e., no work for me) so a friend and I drove into the city on Wed. to visit the American Museum of Natural History with all its wonders, a few of which have been the subject of my last 3 posts.
I really enjoyed the times Kris & I visited NYC, it truly does have such a dynamic vibe, doesn't it?
I was always being approached by folks on the street though. One incident that bothered me was when I was surrounded by a flock of young children giving away different books.
Looking down into their bright smiling little faces I couldn't refuse and accepted a couple of books while thanking them.
It was only later I realized the books had a clear homosexual slant to them. I have nothing against homosexuals (judge not lest ye be judged) but it bothered me that the innocence of children were being used to deliver the message.
It just seemed wrong to me somehow.
I guess it all goes into the mix of what makes the city, well, the city, lol.
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