Saturday, May 21, 2011

Please identify this!

Opposite leaves, decussate, never blooms, just keeps growing, spreads on jointed runners with unrooted knees. Looks like basil but crushed leaf smells like grass. Took a sample at the beach the year before last and it grew readily in a shady place here. Can't find it online. What is it?


Kristen said...

I dunno! I rely on you to identify my weeds. I have a vine I can' stand, going on 2nd year of it, keeps strangling my plants, I don't know where it came from either. Sorry I can't help you!

Priscilla said...

Without seeing your pest of a weed I'm guessing it's bindweed, related to morning glory. Why don't you post a pic?

Kristen said...

You are right about bindweed, I had it last year too