Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Return of the Japanese Maple volunteer

Two or three years old now


Kristen said...

my mom has had a Japanese maple for years and it sprouts little ones all the time, she moved a whole bunch of them over to her property line and they are growing up so fast, she gives them to lots of folks too because she has so many of them.

Priscilla said...

These little ones keep sprouting several years after the momma tree was cut down. I'm trying to give them away, too.

Maria said...

We have found a few from neighbors' trees in our front grass. We have saved one like yours pictured, two or three years old now. That must have been a good year. The seedlings have not survived easily for us, but this one is a winner.

Priscilla said...

They grow so fast, don't they? I watered everything today -- garden, lawn, things in pots. House plants are still indoors, though. They get sunburned if I put them out too early.