Thursday, November 6, 2008

Rainy day photos: what things are thinking

Ooh, I like this mirror. Makes me look good!

Hmmm... let's see, now where's that pond?

Crowded in here. Guess I'll hang out by the bike.


Cheryl said...

Funny, I was just sitting here gazing out at the drizzly scenery wondering what I could photograph of note.

You've inspired me to come up with something...


Biddie said...

(( chuckling )) you had me trying to see what was inside the window...

What is a silver frog without his golden pond?

Priscilla said...

The reflection was of another lamp in the room which even now I can see burning out there under the soggy oak tree.

The silver pin was, of course, Cheryl's gift to me in Litchfield. I really love him but he does have a mind of his own.