Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Hooray, it worked!

I feel so good!

I just did the link insertion thingy, as per Biddie's instructions, and it worked(after about 17 unsuccessful tries). The beige box in which I'm supposed to plop the url was not was blocked. When I unblocked it ("temporarily allow scripted windows")all became clear. Then I put my relevant words between the marks (><) and clicked Publish Post. Voila!

Thank you, Miz Biddie. You can tell yourself that you have contributed to the technical education of a humanist


Cheryl said...

Congrats on getting it to work.

That is an interesting philosophy. I do believe in most of what it puts forth, just never seen it defined so well.

Biddie said...

(( laughing )) sure glad that it worked and that you found your way around the "blocked script" problem - that one didn't appear when I was going over the pattern online before I tried to write it up.

I read most of the Humanist article - I think that this is a fairly close description of my approach to life also - I also hadn't ever read anything before that define the philosophy - I hadn't paid any attention to the term as a philosophy before.

On this trade of info, I think that I came out with the lion's share .....

Priscilla said...

Update: The blocked script problem was not there when I switched to "Compose". I guess I had been in "Edit HTML".

Most Americans and Europeans are basically humanists even if they never heard the word before. It's our Greco/Roman/Christian heritage. We've absorbed it so thoroughly it seems the only way to live. Muslim suicide bombers, on the other hand, are NOT humanists. That is the great clash of cultures we are living through. To mess things up even more, sometimes technology is at war with humanist leanings, but we don't want to live without our machines and progress, hence we are torn spiritually, or ambivalent, believing and skeptical at the same time.

Maria said...

Congratulations on adding a link. I have always considered myself a humanist, but the introductory remarks don't sound quite as much like my outlook today as I would have thought. Probably because my mind doesn't work as efficiently as it used to! Ha

Priscilla said...

Hi Lana! Welcome to my blog.

Everybody, this is my old friend Maria Lana in Louisville. We were college roommates and she has put up with me all these years, and she it was who gave me the Toshiba notebook in August. Lovely person. She has just started a blog herself. Take a look!(click on her name)

Cheryl said...

Hi Maria, welcome to the Blogosphere

Biddie said...

Howdy to ya, Maria! Welcome to this little corner of the eworld!!

Kristen said...

Watch Your mailbox P! I sent out a package for you yesterday.

Priscilla said...
