Friday, October 30, 2009

Late color

Try as I might I could not capture the bright colors, the red and blue, that made me pull over on Main Street, Port Jefferson, and hop out with my camera.


Biddie said...

The blue sky came out beautifully true! I especially liked the 3rd picture from the top - when I looked at the large versions of the pictures, the colors in the flowers and foliage were fine!! I bet that the sense of the last of a New England summer hanging on there caused others to stop also.

Priscilla said...

Well thank you. Our fall is long and gradual. Up to 70 yesterday and windy. The Norway maples will be at their golden peak in a few weeks.

Kristen said...

Wow there is a lot of color left there in that garden. Mine is all gone, well actually this morning, I was leaving for work and I had to walk over to the shed, I couldn't believe there was one lonely red rose that just opened up. I like the 3rd picture too, it seems this fall in NE has lasted longer than I remember, there are still leaves hanging on , a friend told me a new way to remember the changing of the leaves, ROY, Red is the beginning, Orange is the middle and yellow is the end of the season

Maria said...

I am not familiar with Norway maples but our orange maples have dropped their leaves and other maples are now turning a lovely yellow, gold perhaps. Even the gingkos have dropped their leaves mostly and so it is the maples that continue the season. But we have red coming on with the Bradford pears now.

I do love the colors you captured in these photos.