Thursday, October 15, 2009

Morten Lauridsen

In case anyone is wondering if we have any great choral composers alive and composing today ... we do!
Listen to this clip of "O Magnum Mysterium" by Morten Lauridsen (b. 1943) beautifully sung by a Filipino group.
Close your eyes or look out the window at the autumn foliage and think of someone you've lost.
Here is another recording by the Nordic Chamber Choir. Slower tempo, crystal clear, with even more emotion, if that is possible.
Some biographical info.
Here's another great piece by Lauridsen "O Nata Lux" sung by the Pasadena Master Chorale.


Cheryl said...

That was beautiful, thanks for sharing it :)

Priscilla said...

Some other contemporary composers of note: Eric Whitaker, Herbert Howells, Stephen Paulus.

Priscilla said...

Correction: Eric Whitacre.

Maria said...

What a precious gift. You are a generous giver of gifts. Thank you. I have put this link on my web page dedicated to those I have lost awhile.

I noticed a local choral group sang a piece by Whitacre recently.

Priscilla said...

At this past weekend's choral festival we did pieces by Paulson and Lauridsen, among others.

Amazing: you can go to YouTube and search by any of these 3 names and hear selections. Or do a Google search and you'll get some YouTube results which will lead to other pieces.