Monday, March 28, 2011

Stick with the hardware store, is my advice.

My Story:

A few weeks ago I was at the Mall buying a gift for a friend which gift I found in the Williams Sonoma store. I also saw they had small coffee grinders, something that's been on my list for ages. So I bought one. Cuisinart. Seemed a good brand, I thought. After using up all the ground coffe I had on hand I finally opened the box the other day. Put in the beans. Pressed the button. Nothing. Tried it in several different outlets. Nothing. Dead as a doornail. Disgusted, I took the thing back to Williams Sonoma two days ago, making sure everyone behind me in the line heard of my disappointment in being sold defective merchandise in an upscale store. They immediately credited my credit card the full amount, so no problem there. The same day I was near an Ace hardware store and I thought, I really need a coffee grinder, have nothing but beans and my head hurts from caffeine withdrawal. So I went in and bought this nice little grinder that works beautifully. AND I paid ten dollars less. After the fact I did my homework on the Internet and found that (lucky me) Krups is the number one recommended brand of small coffee grinder!

Moral of the story: whatever you need, the hardware store probably has it. (And freshly ground coffee is out-of-this-world.)


Kristen said...

I love the hardware store. I love buying wood too! My coffee maker that I got at Kohls' I hate! It does not work very well at all.

Priscilla said...

My coffee maker is a Farberware percolator and it's over 25 years old. Now and then I have to get a new cord, but it just keeps perking right along. I would certainly recommend that brand.

Kristen said...

I got a kuereg because I am the only one that drinks coffee and it makes 1 cup at a time. It is a piece of garbage though

Priscilla said...

And I hope the whole world reads this!

Anonymous said...

My coffee grinder is a Krups too! I've had it for years and it works great! --MW