Saturday, April 30, 2011

My least favorite bird


Maria said...

Are they a type of vulture? I don't think I've seen one.

Kristen said...


Priscilla said...

I knew you were going to ask that, K. They are messy:slpat all over the boardwalk; their voices are a deep, harsh croaking rattle; large numbers gather high up in trees and drive out other birds; the sight of them gives me the creeps.

Priscilla said...

Lana, I just put a link under the picture that will give some info about them. You can even listen to the awful call. I think Poe was thinking of cormorants when he wrote "The Raven".

Kristen said...

We must not have these kinds of birds around here. Closest to crows? We have a ton of them. they sure make a lot of noise!