Monday, January 14, 2013

My solution to the debt ceiling problem

First thing to do, Uncle Sam (Obama) is to put the Capitol Building on the market. The government owns it, right? and we the people are the government, and if we want to sell it, we sell it. Mr. Obama, you have my permission.The asking price is one trillion dollars. Current tenants, their belongings, chattels, and parking spaces are included in the deal.

A corporate buyer, handily named "the American people", is invited to purchase shares in the property, each share costing one thousand dollars. No down payment required, only an email signature, money to be due in five years time. The one trillion dollar price is quickly raised.

The offer is presented, accepted and the sale is quickly concluded. The tenants are told to vacate the premises. The announcement is made that the new owner has plans to convert the premises into an Insane Asylum where the inmates (those who chose not to vacate) will do piecework (slippers? watches?), will be closely supervised by Chinese supervisors (who are making a market in the shares, offering a high premium for them) and will be paid little or nothing.

In case the House of Reprehensibles, I mean the know ... wishes to avoid this course of action, it can simply pass legislation raising the debt ceiling and add the proviso that in future there will be no such thing as a debt ceiling, i.e., control of spending will be the responsibility of those whose job it is to pass bills about spending. There.

And so much for hostage taking!


Kristen said...

well I just wrote you a big long comment and it got deleted :phoohey!!

Priscilla said...

Oh dear. Can you summarize it? I'm very curious to know what you said.

Kristen said...

it was something about my pay is $75 less per month and to me, thats a big deal, thats the cost of my cell phone bill, two tanks of gas, money I would normally put in my savings but now I have to cut back on something I was used to, where do I take $75 away from? Food??? I already have cut back a lot, quit smoking, don't drink soda, bring my lunch to work, don't drive somewhere unless I really need to and then I try and hit a lot of places at once so I only have to go out once.
So how do you get a head??? I just turned 44 years old and I have hardly saved any money , just last year I finally saved a good chunck of money, not a lot but more than I ever have in my entire life and now this happens

I also wish our dear President would skip the inagural (sp??) ball or at least down size it and take all that money and throw it back to US, they spend over $1,000,000 on a party, I know it's mostly donated but jeez thats a lot of money!!

Can you imagine going over the accounting books and see how much money is WASTED in our government?? who really monitors how much they spend on lunches, trips, gas, personal expenses, etc??

I have to watch every penny I spend and they don't even care, just use the corporate credit card.

Ok there I'm done.....for now

Priscilla said...

Thanks for taking the time to re-type your comment. I'm not too happy about the 2% restored in withholding either. Two ideas for getting a little more money: sell things on Ebay; adjust your withholding with a new W-2 form. You'd have to pay something to the IRS in a year's time but you'll have a raise by then, right?

Priscilla said...

I think I meant W-4 form.