Monday, April 6, 2009

This is becoming a series

Look, Lana! Now Cricket has opened a restaurant in Sayville, Long Island. She has that wildflower business--I saw the booth in Philly,7th pic down--and who knows what else. Perhaps it's a cover. What a multi-tasker she is....

(For those of you in the dark, Cricket is the main character of the novel which has been writing itself for the past 2+ years and may just possibly be finished. The characters have become quite real to me.)


Maureen said...

How cool that you've written a book! I'm sorry I kind of dropped out after suggesting that the CT crew take the train and meet you in Philly for the flowers show, but your pictures made me feel like I was there. Thank you for posting them.

Cheryl said...

Any preview copies available? Or an excerpted chapter or two?

How exciting that it's almost finished, I imagine it must feel similar to having a child in the sense you've breathed life into Cricket and the other characters.


Priscilla said...

Hi Maureen, you're welcome. You'd have enjoyed the show I'm sure. Are you planting anything new this year?

Cheryl: If a person came to visit me I would let that person read the typescript manuscript of the novel. Otherwise it's not available. I'm holding out for actual paper and ink publication, though the thought did cross my mind to post it on the blog by chapters (I discarded that idea pretty quickly).

Kristen said...

No way, I am a bit slow, you are really writing a novel? Ladies we have a celebrity in our mix!!! Yeah for you Priscilla.

Biddie said...

(( chuckle )) what a surprise to come across Cricket's restaurant - I like her taste in signs!

She must be so real to you - you have to go get a glimpse of Ms. Cricket to see if she resembles your Cricket.

Cheryl said...

Hmmmm, depending upon the size of your novel you might regret that statement :)

I do read very fast, but if it is of say "Gone With the Wind" size, well that book always takes at least a few days for me to read.

I would dearly love to read it though.

Priscilla said...

A scribbler, yes. A celebrity, no. About 95% of all novels written never get published, so I have no illusions. It's about 235 pages and anyone who reads it quickly will be shot! After all, 2 years of labor....

Cheryl said...

Can't respond yet...still reading your comment...very slowly!

Maria said...

Sorry to be so late posting. I did post a comment on the earlier photo of Cricket's crafts. As usual I posted after everyone else had moved on. Yes, she is quite a multi-tasker.

You must get this published, Pris, so everyone can read it in beautiful print.
