Monday, August 24, 2009

Author picture

Cheryl's beautiful and original frame shows sensitivity, realism, humor, and a strong sense of color. (Who is that with the bear's ears?)

As I told Cheryl, this is the picture that will go on the dust jacket of my novel (If and When).


Cheryl said...

If I were to guess, I'd say perhaps the bear is a graduate of Tufts per the ears.

I would take it as an honor for this picture to be upon your dust jacket.

An Old Bag just received a smile in her mailbox, and would like to extend her appreciation for the giggle.


Biddie said...

(( grin )) there's an imp in all of us ....

Priscilla said...

My face is all crinkled up with amusement. You're welcome.

This picture is symbolic; it gives one pause.

Cheryl said...

I hope when placed on a certain dust jacket the picture:

gives one pause,

encourages applause,

raises awareness of what's behind the claws residing upon the paws,

and brings a smile to the book critics' maws.

Priscilla said...


You are without flaws.

Cheryl said...

Ha!! Now I know you are joking :)