Friday, September 18, 2009

Rehearsal at the Cathedral

I feel very fortunate to have been chosen to be part of the Diocesan Choir for tomorrow's Consecration of the new Episcopal Bishop of Long Island. One hundred and ninety-two choristers will participate in this great event to be held at the Tilles Center at LIU. We've had three good rehearsals so far, in Brooklyn, in Bay Shore on the 4th and the third last Saturday at the Cathedral in Garden City. It was a pleasure to rehearse with that large a group. The sound was wonderful. I took a few pictures. Apologies for their poor quality.

Gregory Eaton, Director


Biddie said...

How wonderful to be part of the choir! The church is beautiful and all those voices together are going to sound magnificent in there.

How many and what songs will you be singing?

Priscilla said...

The actual ceremony will be held in the Tilles Center, auditorium which seats 2200, not at the Cathedral. It's quite a long program: I'll list the titles afterward or maybe the program will be online. I have to leave the house at 7:30 to be there at 9:00. Can't figure out why the pix were so fuzzy unless it was the low light.

Maria said...

How wonderful. Congratulations on this honor and this wonderful experience.

Kristen said...

Wow that sounds awesome!!!

Cheryl said...

Congrats, and how lovely to sing in such a beautiful church.