Friday, September 10, 2010

Yellow crowned night heron

And a young one.


Kristen said...

Those are nice pictures Priscilla, I have not seen any birds like those around here ever. I think you have made me want to take a drive to the ocean soon, since NY house is closed up I may convince my sweetie to go for a little ride with me and check out the birds and surf. Thanks for the idea.

Priscilla said...

Ocean? This is the North Shore and our body of tidal water is Long Island Sound (no surf). Why don't you come visit our area some weekend? I'd love to show you around. You don't see the wading birds at the ocean, only here and only at low tide.
Or if you really want OCEAN (Atlantic, on South Shore)rather than birds we could meet someplace down there. Parking is free after Labor Day most places.

Priscilla said...

Or I could meet you at the Port Jeff ferry.

Kristen said...

yeah the ocean! Like Ct and RI shoreline, but there are also marshes and stuff there with birds.

How long does it take to get to where you are from me? I went to Central Islip once, Ray's son when to college there, it was right after 9/11 and there were funeral's going on all over, very sad time, I would like to go back when it was a happier time.

Priscilla said...

That time I came up to Litchfield I think it took two hours or so, maybe three. The ferry would be quicker. Would you be on your bikes?
I know an area of Southampton (Dune Road)near ocean where there are wading birds. One day I saw black-bellied plovers, glossy ibis, and oyster-catchers, all new to me. What a day!