Friday, June 17, 2011

Berkeley Heights, my home town

Well, well. The New York Times has an article today about my home town, Berkeley Heights, New Jersey. It is described as a community that has retained its country feel, even while there is a three-year waiting list for a parking spot at the train station. Full of interesting facts.

Berkeley Heights


Maria said...

That's neat.

Priscilla said...

Hi Lana. Remember addressing letters to an address in Berkeley Heights all those years ago?

Kristen said...

$700,000!?!? Wow, thats worse than CT ! I just can't figure out how people afford these prices. We paid $150,000 for our house 12 years ago and sometimes look at houses to upgrade to but we have decided that is never going to happen. I'm perfectly happy in my little abode. Your old town does seem very nice though

Priscilla said...

BH house prices are similar to our area here on the North Shore of LI, except that the property taxes here are much, much higher. I think you have a very good deal there in CT, Kristen, esp. with all the elbow room and greenery.