Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Persistence of Nature -- #2

The enemy: Japanese Knotweed.
Spreading fast along highways, in hedges, backyards, and even at the beach. Long Island public unaware at present how serious a pest this is. Will take over a landscape and crowd out native species. Almost impossible to eradicate. Spreads by prolific seeds or even a small piece of the stem.Will grow four feet or more in a season. Not poisonous, so you can do battle without danger.


Biddie said...

There is some weed here that bears a strong resemblance to your picture in both the stems and the leaves so I went to do an internet search on the name. The flowers are different so the weed that grows here isn't the same but I bet that it's in the same family somehow.

The "persistence" found in the Jap. knotweed apparently is understating the problem with it.

How did you come across it - is it prevalent in your area?

Priscilla said...

Yes, we have lots of it here. More all the time. When I was doing gardening with my friend Sandra (Now retired from gardening) I became aware of all kinds of weeds...I was the Official Weeder on the properties we worked on. I took that picture at the beach. I have declared war on knotweed and try to remove it where ever I see it, even on public land.
What you have may be kudzu. We don't have that yet.

Biddie said...

Fortunately, there doesn't seem to be any kudzu in our immediate area. But driving up into AL and GA, it's all over by the roadsides - creates a strange draped effect over everything.