Tuesday, July 28, 2009


I'm not saying where I got these rose hips, but aren't they big? (Spoon shows relative size.) It was a lot of work to clean, cook, mash, strain, cook again with Certo and lemon juice and sugar and pour into jars, but the final product was...


I added about half the amount of sugar specified and I love the delicate not-too-sweet taste, but what resulted was syrup not jelly as it did not solidify much. Very nice on toast however. (I'm not quitting my day job)


Kristen said...

Betty homemaker! That looks good too.

Priscilla said...

I'd give you a jar if you lived nearby, Kristen. I don't know how I'm going to get rid of all of them.

Kristen said...

Oh I bet the people in your office would like some on the morning toast for breakfast. You could sell some to a B & B like I was at last weekend, it would be a big hit!

Cheryl said...

One of my roses throw hips, but not as big and beautiful as those. I had no idea you could make jelly out of them.

Priscilla said...

I felt confident using them as I was sure they hadn't been sprayed (unless it was seaspray). I'm going to pick some more and dry them for tea...but not today asi t's raining off and on and the humidity is about 100%.

Cheryl said...

Raining here as well...it seem to be a rare occurrence for it not to be raining :(

Biddie said...

I admire your willingness to cook them up. Could you reheat some of the syrup and add some thickening to it to get "jelly"?

Now I knew about jelly but I didn't know about making tea out of them - that sounds interesting ...

P.S. what happened to your post about the Swedish blog?

Priscilla said...

Look at July 20th.