Monday, July 20, 2009

Would you... to see some interesting garden sculptures?
(Cheryl especially take note)
These were on a Swedish blog I follow located in


Kristen said...

Those are cool, I like the devil one the best

Cheryl said...

Wow, that first one is startling, and a little bit unnerving! The troll is cute, and the alligator is very realistic. He would be fun to place by my pond :)

Maureen said...

I like the gator the best, but the troll and man laying in the water are preyy cool too.

Biddie said...

Ah HA!!! Here it is!! I was using my Google Reader to try to catch up with all the new posts since I "went on the blog wagon".

For some reason, while this posting showed up on the Google Reader listing, I couldn't link to it - just as if you might have deleted it. That's why I asked about the statues.

But instead of using the Reader list as my control, I came straight to your blog and here was the post .... who know what mischief exists in the internet ethers ....

But the statues in that garden are amazingly realistic - so lifelike that they almost make the skin crawl. I have seen "garden alligators" advertised before (even thought about splurging to get one) but they were never as authentic looking as that one on that blog!