Monday, February 18, 2008

Guess which one is the author of this blog?

Last fall I spent some time guiding volunteers in their hammer swinging for Habitat for Humanity. The house is almost finished; it's at the interior painting stage. Fun!


Biddie said...

Wow - what a fine group to participate in! From the wording, it seems like you might have been doing this for some time ....

I'm trying to do a "best fit" analysis here.
1. I'm assuming that you still are wearing glasses.
2. That you have blondish hair.
3. Assuming you as a hammer leader, you are probably standing in a central position.
4. Your fine chiseled features are still intact - no broken noses from your extensive boxing career ... (grin)

I think that you are standing in the center of the back row with that impish, happy expression on your face!!!

Kristen said...

I'm going with Biddie answer since I have never seen you before!

Cheryl said...

I'll follow Mom's lead as I have no idea, but what's a hammer leader?

Would you have to claw your way to that position? Do people try to chisel their way in even though you've already nailed the position? In the office~are there nail filers? Ha!...ok I'll stop now...

Priscilla said...

Bingo! you got it.
House that, Cheryl? me claw my way, rooflessly, joist like that? Never! We awl do each task (theoretically).
What boxing career? Oh, you mean the box cutters?

Priscilla said...

I removed it because it was a duplicate.

Biddie said...

(grin) yeh! sure!!

Kristen said...

You guys are funny!!

Cheryl said...

Ha! Priscilla, hands down you won this round! Unfortunately Homer has left me high & dry tonight, so I'll leave it....for now....
As far as the deleted comment, just click on that little trash can icon beneath the comments when you are logged in and then you can permanently remove it from your blog. Keeps things tidy.
Oh, and was Mom correct in her guess?

Priscilla said...

No, she was too suspicious. It really was a duplication.

I know what you mean about lack of inspiration. I'm going to post an excuse for mine (future)today.

Cheryl said...

I think we all are on different wave lengths lol, must be the lunar eclipse. I meant was she correct in which one you are in the picture? And knowing Mom, she was just being funny...she & I share the socially inept gene where we often find ourselves the only ones laughing at our own jokes.

Priscilla said...

Yes, she picked me out, tho I was hoping she'd guess the lady 2 to my left.

She was wrong about the contents of the deleted message.

The moon is full. Did you see it at 2:30 last night? (My mind is active. I should work on my silly novel. This blogging absorbs one's attention and brain cells.)

Biddie said...

Hi Priscilla - I need to reassure you that my silly "Yea, sure" comment was just that - silly. Please believe me that there was no way that I thought that there was something amiss in what you might have written and then deleted. I'm really sorry if the quick quip created an impression that offended you - I would certainly not ever do that to you - I have too much respect for you.

I don't know how many times in the past that I have accidentally done the exact same thing. Or somehow the electronic ethers "burped" and it happened to me. I was just trying to commiserate with you in a goofy way.

Priscilla said...

Hi Goofy,
I wasn't offended. No big deal. (But I'll store away your abject apology in my closet of memory and cherish it. I don't get too many.)

Biddie said...

The use of the word "abject" is a little disconcerting - I would have preferred that you thought of the apology as "caring" or "concerned" .... But at least I'm glad that you know that I wasn't implying anything untoward ....

Oppy said...

Priscilla, she did that to me on another occasion. If you want we can gang up on her and get even sometime. [snicker]

Priscilla said...

Hi Oppy,
Glad you're here! Yes, let's gang up on Biddie, teach her a lesson! The trouble with the written word is that irony doesn't always come through. "Abject" was poking fun.
(By the way, when are you going to make a blog? It's so easy. You can create posts at any computer, anywhere. And you already have a Google account. You can even abandon your blog for months at a time (as someone we know has done) and it's still there for you when you come back to it. There's no excuse now!

Oppy said...

I'll think of an excuse! [grin] Actually I really don't have that much time and I'm not sure what I'd do with it. I've ran a BBS system for the local computer club in the mid '90s. There as some similarities between blogs and BBS systems. One difference seems to be that visitors to a blog can't start a thread but that may just be the way blogs owner runs it. Besides I think I'm going to be one of the people who monitor the class of '59s blog.