Monday, June 30, 2008

Nice Picture, Oppy!

Just this minute noticed your new photo on your blog listing!
What a good-lookin' guy we've been corresponding with! A real Coloraden.
I hope the next step will be a blog where you can choose the subjects and we can post the comments.
(Did I embarass you?)


Kristen said...

Nice picture OPPY!!!! It's about time we see the real you!! Is that other picture (the B & W) you too?
I think you need to put up some pictures too so we can have more coverage of the USA, we have Denise in CA, us New Englanders, NY and FL covered, CO would be a nice addition.... come on Oppy!!!

Priscilla said...

Aw, I just noticed you "came out" on Biddie's blog two days ago and I didn't get the scoop after all.

I'm gonna nag you until you start a blog in self defense!

Cheryl said...

I'm going to chime in as well...I think you should start a blog too!

Kristen said...

Come on Oppy, get some pictures up already!!!

Oppy said...

Kristen, the B&W picture is really me.... at age 18 (the young lad).

Priscilla, I get enough nagging elsewhere! I knew you'd see it sooner or later. In fact I didn't want to make a big deal of taking a picture around here so I looked until I found one I could crop other stuff out. By the way that picture is about 2 yrs old and the beard isn't easy to see either.

I have not problem putting pictures somewhere everyone can see them but I'm not planning to start a blog since I'm already under fire for spending too much time down here (the basement) on the computer.

Sorry, Biddie may have dragged me into these blogs kicking and screaming and now I can see their usefulness but I really don't want to start on of my own.

Oppy said...

By the way, I do appreciate the encouragement and I have and still do enjoy putting in my 2 cents worth when I feel the urge. Thank you all for welcoming me into this little corner of your lives.

Priscilla said...

You are a joy to know, Oppy, but ...
Nag, nag, nag.
I know you get nagged at ho... er, elsewhere...that's why I thought my additional efforts would be effective.
I'll wait a week or so until I nag again.

Oppy said...

Thank you for the breather! I'll save what I wrote and give it right back to you. [grin]

I keep forgetting to answer your original question. NO, you didn't embarass me. But I must tell you that you should see an eye doctor and have your eyes examined.....

[giggle] First you try to butter me up and then you try nagging. What's next?

Priscilla said...

"have my eyes examined"...well, the last time I did that (8 years ago) they put these funny chips in the bottom of my glasses lenses and now I can the fine print on all my bills with great clarity. Big improvement!
Have a nice holiday, everyone. I just paid 4.359 for gas. Not as many cars on the road these days.

Priscilla said...

" I can SEE... " (sometimes)

Oppy said...

I was thinking in terms of you saying "What a good-lookin' guy we've been....".

From your last statement I guess you looked at one of the other times. [laughing]

Biddie said...

(grin) waiting is .... by-n-by, Op will enter the ranks of a true blogger - meanwhile his frequent cruises thru the neighborhood is a welcome flyby!

Priscilla said...

""? (I can be schoolmarm-ish on my own blog)

Biddie said...

ooohhh! groan....

.... his frequent cruises thru the neighborhood ARE welcome!

Notice I also dropped the possibility of getting dinked on mixing some kind of metaphors. (grin)

Oppy said...

You can mix your metaphors all you want. I just liked what you called it a while back. Blurking (that's it, right?)

Priscilla said...

Don't worry, I am not going to nag you today, Oppy, to start a blog where you can post beautiful pictures of your magnificent Colorado mountains and unusual (to us)flora and all your family and cats and dogs (if any) for the delectation and amusement of your friends in the e-neighborhood, who would never think of nagging you into doing something you didn't want to do...never!