Monday, June 23, 2008

Poison next time


Biddie said...

aahhh! I have heard of this blue throat of death - it is a strange poison made from the left hind leg of a tropical beetle found only on the north side of the yanng-yanng tree in the light of a full moon when the tide is still on the Isle du Phasumon in the Indian Ocean.

Herb said...

Right, Bid

Lets just double up on your meds for the next week or so...

Cheryl said...

All I know is I'm staying away from the blue Kool~aid.

Biddie said...

poor Herb - typical Westerner response - for something that is not a mainstream and comfortably curbside Western experience, throw a pill at it. (grin)

Cheryl - you also need to stay away from those cobalt blue slurpy drinks found at drive-ins!

Herb said...

Hey Peppy... I left you a couple of comments under your "Ivy" post.

Bid, Am I a typical westerner?? Well maybe.. Western Ma.

By the way Bid.. "Drive-Ins" have gone the way of the Gooney Bird and Passenger Pigeon. But.... Do you remember the "Adventure" or "Big Top" Car Hops on Route 22 in Union. Those were the days.. cruising with the top down and drag racing on the highway. Friday and Saturday nights were wild. Just around the corner from the Union Drive In Movie and the "Show Boat" eatery in the center island. We would sometime take off from there and go over to the "Knotty Pines Lanes" on Staten Island (drinking age was lower in NY) where we could get served.. That old devil rum... Wahhoo It's a wonder we made it through alive. Pack of L&Ms rolled up in your T-Shirt sleeve and a case of Shaffer Beer in the trunk. And best of all A big DA Comb job held together by copious quantitys of WildRoot Cream Oil hair tonic.... I miss my Leather Jacket.... I miss my HAIR!!!

Priscilla said...

Gosh, Biddie, if I use that stuff I'll have to start packing my suitcases right now for the trip to get it. There must be a generic version available locally.

Point of information..he may have done all that driving around and boozing cogs in the sleeve thing but I DON'T remember a DA on HB. I think his Pop would not have allowed it.

Priscilla said...

...and cigs in the sleeve, I meant.

Biddie said...

By the way - drive-ins aren't obselete - they don't have movies like they used to but you can still pull in next to a speaker -now you order "food" rather than go for it.

Oppy said...

We still have a drive in out here. During the '90s the other 2 (one here and one in Loveland) closed down and went the way of the developer and they are neighborhoods now.