Friday, May 14, 2010

Brief walk through Times Square

Before the concert we walked around in Times Square. No picture can begin to convey the impression of the tall, tall advertisements in moving, rippling light. It is amazing. One is awash in color and motion. Very crowded everywhere, and if I could have found that T-shirt vendor I would have thanked him and bought a shirt. THE SPOT is invisible, thank goodness. Life goes on.

This was at 7:30 on an overcast day. I'm surprised any of the pictures came out at all. Tables and chairs in the middle of the street.

A building a-slant.


Cheryl said...

I could sit in Times Square and people watch all day, such a fascinating parade of diversity. Did you notice how few people make eye contact?

Kristen said...

Oh I just LOVE going there. Even more in warmer weather now, I used to like Christmas time, still do but summer is so much more comfortable to walk around and not have to wear a big coat and freeze your butt off.

Priscilla said...

Not safe to make eye contact. And if you did, you wouldn't have time for anything else.

Of course Times Square is a waste of electricity, crude, crass, materialistic, etc., but boy is it interesting!

Maria said...

What excellent pictures! I'm glad you go in to the city now.