Saturday, February 5, 2011

Something growing, update

Feb. 5
The way of all flowers

January 27
I see what you mean, Mo.
The smell is not pleasant (to me).

Sunday 1-23-11

Paperwhites 1-20-11


Kristen said...

they sure grow fast don't they? Have you grown paperwhites before? did I spell that right? I can go back and check or ask you!!

Priscilla said...

I grew them once a long time ago. They're so easy, but will probably need some support or tying.

Maureen said...

I love the look of paperwhites, but the smell really gets to me (in a bad way) I am trying the amaryllas (sp) to see how well they do.

Kristen said...

oh Maureen! I was going to say that buy I didn't want to hurt P's feelings! I had them once at my office on my desk, pee youu!!

Priscilla said...

I googled "paperwhites smell" and found that a lot of other people have that same reaction. I still like the cheerful little flowers at this time of year.

Kristen said...

how's the stinkyness?

Priscilla said...

Either I'm getting used to it or the smell has lessened, and at the other end of the room it actually smelled almost nice. I read somewhere you can add alcohol solution to the pebbles.

Priscilla said...

Here's an article about that. It makes the stems shorter, doesn't affect the odor.

Maureen said...

They are certainly pretty. My amerillis (sp - again) thing hasn't bloomed yet. My mother in law, who planted hers after mine, has a plant already on the tail end of it's bloom. I have mine in a southern facing window, just as she does; maybe I got a "bad bulb"

Priscilla said...

Maybe yours is just on its own schedule. How could it be bad, unless it's squishy and rotten? and you'd notice that.