Oppy has loaned me a history of Berkeley Heights, published in 1977, "From the Passaiack to the Wach Unks". It is fascinating! Really, it never occured to me before that anything went on in BH before 1938 when my parents bought the house on Mountain Avenue (just kidding) . What a perspective this gives me on my childhood.
Another book on BH came out in 2005, "Berkeley Heights Revisited", by Virginia B. Troeger. Oppy, you said you saw this on Amazon.com. I wonder if you saw the
photos that I just discovered there. One shows the Class of 1954. The year ahead of our class. All the names were familiar to me. (Cheryl and Biddie: see top row.)
I think I'm going to buy this book! I can't help wondering what else it contains. Class of 1955?
Here's how to see the photos: Go to Amazon.com. Search on Books: Berkeley Heights Revisited. Click on title. Click on Search Inside This Book. Click on Excerpt, which brings you to Introduction. Click on small white triangle on right side. Fourth click shows class.
Here's a puzzle: 1950 photo mentions library. Was there one in the old building?