Thursday, March 20, 2008


I'm on vacation from work...


Oppy said...

Interesting! For some reason this reminds me of something like a Harry Potter story. Not a specific HP story. Now, tell me I'm out of my [bleepin] mind.

Biddie said...

Priscilla - did you write this under a pseudoname?

I couldn't help smile at his off-handed acceptance of his breakage tendencies ....

Biddie said...

I just went out to - there are 3 books out there by the same author.

The Alcatraz story makes me think of what could possibly be your dry sense of humor ....

Priscilla said...

Nope, I didn't write it. The tone is refreshing, probably intended, with its grumpy attitude, to appeal to 12-year old boys.
He's klutzier than Harry Potter, claims he's not a hero. You can get the book at your public library (Hee-hee, a librarian is never on vacation)

Cheryl said...

Oh heck, now you've done it...I started the story and now I have to know what happens..