Monday, March 31, 2008

This one's for Cheryl

Read all about it....


Cheryl said...

Ha!!! Oh my, you got me there!! Giant Hamster indeed!! Ok, let me stop giggling long enough to see what I can put up to trump that....

Cheryl said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cheryl said...

Oops, sorry, had to do it over.

Now, what would trump a giant hamster??

Ah, I've got it!

I see your giant hamster, and I raise it one ...

Biddie said...

What a challenge! (grin) I saw the sphereing on the Today show not long ago - I bet it is really a fun trip!

Now, that hamster is more than my team of cats could deal with, for sure!

Kristen said...

Thats a beaver

Cheryl said...

Actually..I'd say it's a prairie dog...But That's Not The Point!!

Hey Peanut Gallery instead of nattering~put something up, what would beat my giant hamster ball?

How about David Beckham? Oh wait, it's not my turn...

Oppy said...

A furry Godzilla! I bet he leaves big piles of scat! [giggle]

By the way, you might take a look at the APOD picture for today!gxnyb

Oppy said...

Sorry, I should have put the link up. This is only good for the day you use it although it gets you to the site and you can go into the archives after today.

Cheryl said...

"Dextre the Magnificent"...ha!!

Hmmmmm....what is today???

Oppy said...

Duh..... I danno! Seems like everyone is up to some pranks.

Cheryl said...

I see your Godzilla
and raise it one.....

Oppy said...

That's pretty ugly!! But I bet it's really pretty small.

Biddie said...

Wow - model kits of the best of Japanese monster critters - fine!!

Now this could give some scary links:

Oppy said...

Hmmmmm... I did a cut and paste of that URL and got the response that the server was not found.

Priscilla said...

Wow, this post seems to have struck a chord with some people. I thought the GH was cute, actually, besides being dangerous. Wouldn't we all like to be called that!
I just this minute saw these comments, as there was a mighty power outage in our whole area yesterday. I think I saw the cause... a fire was burning below a power pole, something must have exploded. Tweny minutes later they still hadn't put it out, but there were no fire trucks, odd. If only I'd had a camera with would have made an amazing picture. Then in the afternoon a friend and I went into the Big Apple for a concert and got back reeel late, so my tailfeathers, as Biddie would say, are dragging today. I'll try to raise you, Cheryl.

Cheryl said...

Is it wrong that every time I see Elian Gonzalez screaming at the Giant Hamster I start giggling all over again? I'm sure it is...but I just can't help it.