Sunday, October 4, 2009

ESB visit of 8/26/09--a few more pix

Our 21st President, Chester A. Arthur. The statue is in Madison Square Park in the Flatiron District. They don't make statues like this any more. I wish they did. Some information on Pres. Arthur

Outside the Marble Collegiate Church the statue of Norman Vincent Peale, who was pastor there for 52 years and the author of "The Power of Positive Thinking", overlooks commemorative ribbons on the fence. I think they were for servicemen/women killed.

The church's door

It's the oldest Protestant congregation in America

From the sublime to the ridiculous
And even more ridiculous. From the ESB gift shop. Everyone on my Christmas list will be so pleased.

1 comment:

Biddie said...

(( grin )) it took me a few minutes to realize what "ESB" was .... My first attempt was "Episcopal Senior Bishop".

I hope that gorilla poop has been composted!