Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Saratoga: a few more pictures

The Gideon Putnam's cozy fireplace

Meetings and more meetings.
The orange shirts said
"Working Without a Contract"

The Blue Room

Universal Preservation Hall

One of the art galleries

Commemorating 77th N.Y. Volunteers

In the park

The Adelphi Hotel

Very polite


Kristen said...

Did you stay in that hotel? Looks like a nice area, I have never been there that I know of unless my parents took me when I was little and don't remember. Have a fun time?

Priscilla said...

Yes, we stayed at the Gideon Putnam. Wonderful place. Friday, Saturday and Sunday were filled with meetings and sessions, even during dinner. Food was great. During our free spell on Sat afternoon I walked around the town. The hoel was built in 1936 and many famous people have stayed there.