Monday, April 21, 2008

Another Bird of Prey

This is the post office where I pick up my mail. That eagle in the pediment above is a famous tourist attraction; the thing flaps its wings at certain hours of the day, I think noon and three o'clock and five o'clock. As people gather to watch it perform one stands there and scratches one's head at how easily some people are amused.

(For those who wish to see a Greek temple putting itself together, click on


Biddie said...

(( laughing )) I'd have to plan my arrival there at the post office at least once to see the show!!

But then on the the Greek Temple lesson: fascinating to say the least - I racked my memory while I watched the building of the doric and ionic columns, - I remembered from some long ago forgotten high school class that there were THREE kinds of columns.

Then I had my "eureka" moment! Aha! It was CORINTHIAN!! The fanciest architectural style of the three - yahoo! my memory isn't totally wasted yet!!!

Biddie said...

P.S. Correction in my typo:

But then on the the Greek Temple lesson:

should read as:

But then on to the Greek Temple lesson:

Well, the memory worked but the fingers didn't this time - next time it could be reversed - always a literary adventure when I arrive at the keyboard ....