Monday, April 14, 2008

My New Singing Teacher

Yes, we all need lessons now and then....

Her lack of inhibition is marvelous.

She (my new teacher) has at least 5 videos on You Tube. How 'bout that?

And her name is ......ZOEI TOH!!

Check her out!


Oppy said...

And do you have a link?

Priscilla said...

Just go to and search for the name Zoei Toh.

Oppy said...

A very talented and cute young person!

Biddie said...

Well, I can report back that viewing this little video turned ou to be an impressive demonstration of that famous law:


Let me set the stage ....

1. I was in the process of getting the morning meal out for the 2 dogs and 5 cats.

2. They are all gathered around, moving about in their eagerness for breakfast.

3. Downloads of this type take s-o-o-o-o long to download that I usually set them off and get up to do other things as one little micro element painfully comes thru every 5 - 10 seconds.

4. The volume was accidentally turned way up .......


1. I set off the download.

2. I stand up to go work on the critter's breakfast.

3. An unbelievablely loud and shrill micro-burst of sound hits us!!

4. I thought that I had stepped on one of my poor cats ...

5. I jump - my frailing hand hits a potted plant on a stand by the table.

6. Said potted plant and stand fall over.

7. Cats are scattering in 5 different directions (NOTE: I hadn't stepped on a cat.)

8. The dogs rush to the table, twisting their head and ears in all kinds of directions.

9. I do step on Freebe's paw.

10. I manage to reach the volume control and turn down the sound.

11. I comfort Freebe.

12. I survey the planter mess.

13. Figure that the best course of action is to feed the critters and get them outside. And do so.

14. I clean up the plant and stand mess.

15. I finally get to listen to Zoei Toh.

16. Guess I don't quite appreciate her as much as I might under other circumstances ....


Dear Priscilla - with your actively roving analytical mind and your extraodinarily dry sense of humor, surely you have to congratulate yourself on setting in motion another demonstration of the unfathomable LAW OF UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES ....

Oppy said...

Yeah and I bet she's laughing her butt off right now!!!!!

I know I am!