Thursday, April 10, 2008

Hooray!! Broadwater's Dead!!

The Federal Government's plan to plunk a huge LNG (liquified natural gas) terminal right in the middle of Long Island Sound (nine miles from our shores) has been nixed by our new governor Paterson!!

Big sigh of relief......

It seemed like a crazy idea, putting such a thing, surely a target for terrorists, right in the middle of prime recreational waters near New York City, but there are so many crazy ideas around these days that I was afraid it just might go through. This is good news indeed.

Score one for common sense.


Kristen said...

Your new Gov and our CT Gov. did a great job!!! Hooray indeed

Priscilla said...

Yes, your Governor Rell is a hero, too. She was against the terminal months ago.

Also heard some good news about the Calverton Grasslands. The State has halted all construction of preliminary building for the horrible project of an indoor ski slope. The proponents are hopping mad. I was out there a few days ago looking at the field with my binocs (saw a hawk tearing a mouse apart)and a driver going by honked angrily at me. I couldn't figure out why, but now I know. I hope birdwatching does not become a dangerous sport!

Cheryl said...

That is a ridiculous thing~an indoor ski slope?!! C'mon folks, enjoy the great outdoors in a hermetically sealed environment with recycled air & artificial snow!! What next, an escalator ride down the fake slope so no-one incurs any potential of injury? Oh my!! Especially up North when there are mountains full of snow in abundance. Oh sometimes people make me crazy. Oops, sorry, went off on a rant there...

Biddie said...

The indoor ski area could be built in a blighted area - some indoor snow of a different kind would surely help revitalize the community!!

I'm amazed at the audacity of those wanting to build that LNG depot there in the Sound - yeh, there's obviously room but OMG - the lights at night would be seen on both shores. Maybe it should be built on the estates of some of those planners .....