Thursday, May 15, 2008

Did somebody call my name?

We got rid of all the termites on Priscilla's web page last year, and what does she go and do?
She locks us in the closet!! There's gratitude for yah.
Red Pandas of the world unite!
Shake off your chains!
Your hour has come!
Arise and seek new allies... monkeys, lemurs, whatever!


Oppy said...

Hmmmm..... isn't that "Excelsior you fathead!" (a la Jean Shepard

Cheryl said...

Oh goodness, another case of critter fever...

Biddie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Biddie said...

Sorry - had to delete the above comment since I typed the link incorrectly and I published it before I noticed the typo.

Here is the comment again - but this time with the correct link at the bottom:


(( laughing )) Love your little panda!!

Your blog's entry in my most recently-visited folder rolled off since I have been doing so much research lately. I typed what I thought was your blog's name and came up with another blog with a very similar name that is full of poetry. You probably came across it when you were originally setting up your blog.

JIC - here it is:

Priscilla said...

Nice site, that poetry one. No, I hadn't seen it. Blogger suggested my present URL when I asked for just Winged Words".
So you are another graduate of Jean Shepherd Academy, Oppy? Me too. Excelsior is the motto on the state seal of New York. He added the "you fathead" bit and of course we can't hear the one without hearing the other. I once sent him a quotation from Pascal that I thought appropriate, then listened religiously for 3 weeks, and by golly he read it on the radio (wihout my name, which was ok) That really made my day.

Biddie said...

Another Jean Shepard Fan!!! FANtastic!!!!

Since my father used to make me be in bed by 8:30 every night and I was wide-awake for hours, I turned to the little radio that I had by my bed.

I discovered J.S. and, putting the radio under my pillow so only I could hear it, I listened to him for a couple of hours every night.

Oppy can lead you to a couple of websites where you can get copies of his monologues ....

Priscilla said...

Oppy...please do that!

He was on Sunday evenings at 9:00 and, later on, Saturday mornings.

Oppy said...

Priscilla, didn't you know about his 11:15 to midnight slot on WOR? The one time period I never got to listen to was I think midnight to 4 or 4:30AM.

OK, links:

Hope you can get to them. If not I'll send them in an email.

Priscilla said...

Thanks, Oppy! I just "wasted" an hour in some of these pages. And wil do so agin.

Oppy said...

I should have mentioned that I downloaded about 1700+ MP3's of his shows. I could put them on a DVD and mail it to you if you're interested.

Oppy said...

In case you didn't dig down and see this story you can read it below:

I remember several of Shep's shows where he enlisted the listeners to do something and then got responses from them about what happened. Some of them were very funny!

On his shows he shows a knack for taking a 5 line story buried deep in the Wall Street Journal and turn it into a 45 minute discourse and making it very interesting! I particularly him finding a short reference about the spitting for distance record from some small town in Texas. He had a lot of fun with that one! Unfortunately I've forgotten the details.

Oppy said...

A proof reader I'm not. One sentence above should have started of as:

"I particularly remember him finding a short reference..."