Wednesday, May 28, 2008

I'm saving energy--This is my last post ...

... until next time.

Gas is at 4.259 for regular.
(It doesn't feel good to lead the nation.)


Biddie said...

Incredible!! We are left with few alternatives but to either walk or peddle into our outside worlds -or- stay home and contact the outside world via the internet.

But wait! Electricity should soon be skyrocketing in price also!

Kristen said...

I have a motorcycle that I ride for fun, it may turn out to be my mode to work for the summer!!
I will get gas at the end of the week and let you all know yet again what it cost me this time!
Are you in LI Priscilla?

Oppy said...

Today (it could change tonight) regular was 3.89 in several places. One place (which I've used with some frequency) was 3.73. I'm betting that the latter price will be in the upper 3.70s by tomorrow or Friday at the latest.

Priscilla said...

Yes, I'm on Long Island, Kristen. North shore.
I don't know why this gas thing bothers me so's only a small percentage of my monthly expenses. I guess because (1) the media are hollering about it, and (2) it is beyond my control, and we all like stability and control in everyday things.
On the quantum level they say that the act of observing something changes that thing, so maybe if we all don't look at the price sign it might stay still?
You are lucky to have a motorcycle, Kristen.

Oppy said...

Well, went past that gas station again today and it was up 3cents to 3.76/gal. I'll have to look tomorrow just for grins.

Biddie said...

Unfortunately the oil and gas industry is so huge and so well connected that we, as individuals, are on the quantum level in comparison - ergo, no effect. BUT if we, as individuals, could come up with a totally independent (of them) fuel source ... now that would be another story.

This morning I had to drive to Panama City to take care of some chores - the gas prices for regular ranged from $3.91 to $4.01 per gallon .....