Friday, October 3, 2008

This is Banned Books Week

Little Red Riding Hood? Banned? Ye gods!
In celebration of Banned Books Week here is a list of books that have at one time or another been banned or suppressed and some of them may surprise you. We need to be ever vigilant that our freedom to read what we choose is not limited or abolished by any group or individual. The version called Little Red-Cap

1 comment:

Biddie said...

The version known as Little
Red Cap is rather heavy-duty - to say the least!!!!

But so are a lot of the cartoons regularly seen in movie theatres ....

The human mind does travel into some strange regions. While some of these areas make me very uncomfortable and I have no desire to continue to explore them, as long as a person is stable and mature enough to not take some of these ideas as recipes or permissions or licenses to persue them in real life ....

It is hard to constrain the boundries of the human mind's wanderings - whether the thoughts are expressed in the written or verbal form - just so there is sound judgement as to when to refrain from expressing them in physical form.