Monday, June 22, 2009

Yellow goat's-beard

I found out what the yellow flowers in the strawberry patch were, Yellow goat's-beard (Tragopogon pratensis) or Meadow Salsify.
They resemble dandelions, don't they? Even have a fluffy seed head!
Hmm. There's also Western Goat's Beard (T. dubius). Might be that because there were 12 spear-like floral bracts behind the yellow petals as in this picture from the internet.


Biddie said...

It is more delicate and interesting looking than dandelions.

I'm always amazed - no matter how obscure or insignificant a little flower might be, more than likely it has already been identified, given a family name and catalogied!

Priscilla said...

Yep, the botanists have been working on classification for several hundred years. What amazes me is the knowledge the Chinese herbalists possessed 1 or 2 thousand years ago!

Cheryl said...

I have a white Goat's-beard that looks nothing like this one, it more closely resembles Astilbe.


Denise Rosier said...

I love the mild yellow of this flower.

The strawberries look fabulous! You've given me the idea to blog our Farmer's Market on Friday.

Priscilla said...

Thanks, Denise. I hope to see your pix of the Farmer's Market.

Cheryl, can you post a picture of your white goat's beard?

Cheryl said...

Sure, I just ran out & snapped a few pictures. I'll post them up.

Biddie said...

Speaking of a farmer's market, with all this good growing land around here, there isn't a regular organized farmer's market in the area. This always seemed a little strange somehow.

However, there are a few individual farmers that sell their produce by the side of the road.

The name "yellow goat's beard" seems like a misnomer since it doesn't resemble a goat's beard as much as the type of goat's beard that Cheryl has in her yard. Maybe the pollen from these yellow flowers always stained the beards of any browsing goats yellow .....

Priscilla said...

That's a thought.

Maureen said...

There is nothing like fresh picked berries. Caroline and I picked a couple of weeks ago. The color of the fresh picked is quite different from the store bought. And Caroline also pointed out that the fresh berries have less little seeds on them; making them "less gritty" to eat.

Priscilla said...

That's interesting, Maureen. I'll bet she enjoyed picking. Little people are so much closer to the ground I think it's easier for them, no aching back. Did you let her eat any in the field? I always eat a large number of berries when I pick and try to forget about any chemicals there might be--after so much rain there couldn't be much.

Mary reported in an email:
"Yes, I finished
"processing" my straws--Katy ate a qt. & I ate a qt!"

Kristen said...

baa baa baa

Priscilla said...

Sorry, Kristen, but I don't understand your comment.

Cheryl said...

I think she was imitating an appreciative goat munching upon some flowers....

Ewe know what I mean?

Priscilla said...

Ewe, I see.

Cheryl said...

I really struggled with how I could incorporate this into the dialogue ~

"A sheepish grin"

But failed miserably...wait a minute...

But I failed miserably I have to admit with a sheepish grin...

HooHa! Life is good!