Friday, August 21, 2009

Seven fortunes

Don't ask me why I hoard my fortune cookies and open them all at once every 21st of August. I don't know why. Can you read some of these? Aren't they inspiring?


Biddie said...

(( grin )) It's fun to run across a genuine fellow eccentric!!

So what is August 21 to you? Your birthday is on a 21st but in another month ....

There's one fortune paper that is positioned so it can't be read - the one that starts with the word "utility" - it seems a little strange - what does it say ????

Priscilla said...

"Utility is when you have plumbing. Luxury is when you have a pool."

...and a pool boy, I would add.

Maria said...

How very interesting. I have enjoyed catching up with your blog. Maria

Priscilla said...

Hi Lana, welcome back!

I enjoyed the new post on your blog.

Any action in the scriptorium? I find the beach a good place with the little children running around and enjoying nature. Inspires me.

Cheryl said...

They are inspiring, and I think they are also a Rorschach test of sorts...the weight of your history gives value to the words that you lug along in your own personal baggage.

If only I had a pool boy to help me carry the load :)