Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Goosey solution

I just learned what THEY did to the Canada Geese in Prospect Park. A pretty drastic solution to the overpopulation problem. Or is it? They are definitely a nuisance around here and in many places. Remember that airplane going into the Hudson in January 2009 ?

What do YOU think should be done to deal with this problem?

I like the idea of Shetland sheep dogs. They are so picturesque dashing over the landscape.

Here's an idea (killing two birds with one stone, so to speak): capture them and process them for their meat which could be frozen and given away at food pantries. Why not?


Kristen said...

They have hunting season for a couple of reasons, to keep the population down, and to feed families. Are Canadian Geese good to eat? If so, then I would say it would be a great idea to process them as food. I'm not so in favor of treating any animal poorly so I hope that none of the geese were tortured in any way. I guess gassing is a nicer way to go.

Priscilla said...

I imagine they taste gamey but that might be interesting.

Cheryl said...

There's not an easy fix, that's for sure. I have a visceral aversion though to the chosen solution being death, seems to frequently be the ready answer for humans towards any problem with nature.

I would like to see other alternatives explored such as is some sort of birth control feasible to keep the population within bounds? I've also heard of fencing off the water to discourage the geese from settling in to a particular area.

Killing off a population of animals due to it's impingement upon our society is sadly pretty indicative towards humanity's view on the natural world, that it is merely here for us to dictate the terms of existence.

Yep, call me a treehugger if you will, but the truth as I see it is that the natural world deserves much more care and respect than we've shown it. After we have finally killed ourselves off due to pollution, nukes, overpopulation, or whatever, the natural world will heal from our corruption and continue on.

Probably with a huge sigh of relief that the human virus has run it's course.

Priscilla said...

I can tell Cheryl's dander is up when she uses words like "feasible" and "impingement". Vrumm.
The trouble with goose-hugging is that there are seven times as many of them now. The system is out of balance and they need predators. Guess we humans have to be it.

Cheryl said...

If you were to look at the problem even more dispassionately and analytically there are seven times plus more of us now, an ever burgeoning increase of human population that the world's resources can't continue to sustain.

In accordance with your statement "The system is out of balance and they need predators." what do you think will prey upon us?

Finally, I would never advocate goose~hugging. They tend to be nibbly.

Priscilla said...

"what do you think will prey upon us?"