Friday, July 16, 2010

More old Berkeley Heights photos

Sledding down our driveway
after a blizzard/ice storm
Dick, Bev K, Herbie, Peppy
Off they go ... what a winter that was.
See how the cedars are bent over from the ice.
We had to cut them down.

1068 Mountain Ave., Berkeley Heights,
Winter of 1947-48 (or following year)

DeeDee Belin and our dog Tippy in the picnic grove about 1953


Oppy said...

Now sure why but I've always thought the ice storm was the '48/'49 winter. Not that it matters much. It was one nasty storm. I remember much of what we had to do to get through it and also some of the fun it allowed us by sledding down Union Ave hill from Mountain Ave. What a fantastic ride!!!!!

Priscilla said...

You may be right about that date, Oppy. I'll check.

We also sledded on Hillcrest Rd.--not much traffic then and almost none after a big storm.

Priscilla said...

Viewing hint: If you click on the picture it enlarges. If you then click on it again it enlarges even more.

Priscilla said...

When I googled "blizzard of 48" I was led to this site

It talks about a big storm in Jan. 1948 in Belleville, NJ. Maybe that was our storm!

Priscilla said...

There was also a blizzard of '47 on Dec. 26, 1947!!

Biddie said...

Oh, priscilla - what wonderful old pictures!!! So glad that you still had them.

Your driveway had more of a hill than I had remembered. It struck me in the view off your hill (2nd photo) as to how few houses were built there in 1947/48 - your house was quite isolated - how did your folks ever find it in the first place? By the time that my family moved there in summer of 1953, there had been quite a lot of building. I can remember sledding on Park avenue and over by some hospital?

Was the picture of DeeDee taken in your backyard or the Belin's back yard? I don't know where the picnic grove was located .....

Great pictures - please keep them coming!

Priscilla said...

Yes, there were very few houses back then. Across the street from us was hundreds of acres of woods and fields. My parents bought the house in 1938 from some people named Van Arsdale, who had designed and built it as their dream house; only it was too isolated for the wife and they sold it after one year to my parents who were looking for a place in the country within commuting distance of NYC. In the back on the other side of the brook my father cleared an area and planted grass and we called it the Picnic Grove, where we kids roasted hot dogs, played at camping, etc.

Kristen said...

Those pictures are great!!! I love seeing them, you guys grew up in a fabulous place. Who is Deedee?

Priscilla said...

Deedee was/is Herb's sister.

Herb said...


Oppy said...

Priscilla, you talk about blizzards. We (my family at least) always referred to the storm as an ice storm. Tree limbs and wires were coated with ice at least 1" thick! That made the telephone and power wires at over 2" in diameter and broke almost all of them. You can imagine what that did to tree limbs. I wish I had more definitive evidence of the date but I don't.

Priscilla said...

It was definitely an ice storm, Oppy. See the bent over trees in the first picture. I think it started as snow. And there were blizzards that winter described in those accounts I referenced in comments above.